Interview with Sam from Antagonist

Antagonist A.D.

Interview by Andrew // 4 August 2006
Antagonist A.d.

Your debut album ‘These Cities, Our Graves’ is coming out in less than
two weeks, released nation wide through 1157.

"Hardcore with a message" is one way I’ve heard the album described.

What are some of messages expressed in the album?

Sam: "Hardcore with a message" doesn’t really describe our album as such, all "hardcore" should have a message, its part of the package, but anyway, that’s not the question. Uh, messages expressed – veganism, anti-consumerism, respect (for yourself and those around you) to name a few.

How important to you are the themes addressed in the lyrics?

Sam: Very, being the vocalist and lyricist of a band, means that some people (be it tens or thousands, it doesn’t matter) are going to hear and read what I’m talking about. So I think it’s very important what I say and how I say it, I don’t like the idea of wasting your lyrics on nothing; to me lyrics are just as important as the music itself, what’s the point of music if it lacks substance or passion?

Who did the CD art?

Sam: Hard Drinking Steve of Brick vs. Face fame drew the zombies
Luke McPake of This Night Creeps fame did the layout

You’ve just come back from doing shows in Australia.
How do shows overseas compare to New Zealand?

Sam: It’s pretty much exactly the same, except people tend to be a little older over there and you can have more r18 shows. People doing the shows take it a little bit more seriously as well, which is awesome and the bands over there tend to be more serious as well. The bands over there are so good, most bands over here don’t even compare, NZ bands (ourselves included) really need to step up there stage presence to keep up with our Australian counterparts. There bands are killing it at the moment.

Any plans to play any other parts of the world?

Sam: No plans yet, but it’d be nice. I’d really like to go to Japan, Canada and Europe, and if I could do it with this band then that’d be amazing.

What are some of your favourite New Zealand bands?

Sam: At the moment The Warpath is definitely my favourite current NZ band, but I’d say Kill Me Quickly would be my all time favourite NZ hardcore band.

Where is your favourite city/town/venue to play in New Zealand?

Sam: I’d say Upsett Records in Hamilton is good, because it’s our hometown, and it’s a small room. Its heaps of fun. A close (ish) second would be playing down in Gisborne; the shows down there are always heaps of fun.

What’s next after the album? Goals?

Sam: Gonna tour the album for awhile and start working on some new material, eventually write a new set and after a few months work on a new recording, head back to Australia, then hopefully look further abroad.

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