Vixen Execution Interview 12/01/13

Vixen Execution

Interview by Asmith // 12 January 2013
Vixen Execution

I had a chat to Vixen Execution’s vocalist Dan about playing at the Beyond The Black Festival and other random metal inspired activities, here’s what he had to say…

How long has Vixen Execution been together?

Band has been together for roughly 7 years now.

How did you come up with the name Vixen Execution?

I came up with the name randomly to be fair… was just pondering idea’s and bang Vixen Execution popped up and we stuck with it.

How would you describe your music to people who have never heard you before?

Our sound is a blend of old/modern grindcore, with elements of brutal death metal. Seems all members prefer these styles of music.

Who are your biggest musical influences?

There are really too many to name as each member bring to the table diffrent influences that each incorporate into the band’s music.

What is your favourite gig you have played so far?

Favourite gig would have to be either opening for Cannibal Corpse or Suffocation.

If you could play with any band in the world who would it be?

Any brutal death or grind band that we like… again, to many to mention.

If you could play any venue in the world where would it be?

I’d really like to play anywhere in America, as they have sooo many killer festivals… Maryland Death Fest or Las Vegas Death Fest would be killer to play at!!

How did you find the experience of playing at Beyond The Black?

BTB was a killer time, good organisation, killer bands, aswell as a good vibe… we all enjoyed it!!

What are we going to see from Vixen Execution in 2013?

Hopefully some more gigs, as we are now spread all over the country, it’s a little hard to try get everyone in the same city for a good jam session.

What is the best part about being a musician?

Getting to tour around, meeting choice as like minded folk… Also just ripping shit up to a new crowd, always a good buzz.

What’s in your personal music collection?

My personal collection consists of heaps of Grindcore, Brutal Death Metal…also have other things like Queen, Johnny Cash as well.

Name an up and coming NZ band you think people should check out?

Orgiastic Rebirth, Brutal Supremacy, Bloodfvkk to name a few.

What’s the funniest thing you have seen at a gig/on tour?

Seen dudes so drunk they have pissed themselves, yet continue to mosh it out!!

What’s your most embaressing gig/tour moment?

Never really had an embaressing moment to be truthful. Just common things like guitar string breakages, dropped drum sticks etc.

What advice would you give to other aspiring musicians?

Keep practising, and getting your songs really tight. Get out their and network with other bands to get gigs and do the best you can do to deliver the music you create.

Where is your favourite place in NZ to be?

My fav place in NZ would have to be either Hamner Springs, or at the family batch in Wainui (on Banks Penninsula in the South Island) relaxing and water skiing.

When not playing music, what else do you do in your spare time?

Listen to music, play sport, drink and just chill with good cunts alike.

When is your next release/what will it be?

Well maybe we might try get some new material released later this year. Be good to get the unreleased material out their to the masses.

How do you keep in contact with your fans?

Mainly via social networking sites, seems a good place to keep people up to date with things happening in the band.

If you could create a rumour about Vixen Execution what would it be?

That two of us are actually hermaphrodites that star in numerous scat porn video’s for extra cash.

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About the interviewer Asmith

Having graduated from UCOL’s music course in 2011, I began working with Tararua Television hosting a monthly local music show called “Off The Stage”, where I interviewed and showcased people working within the local music scene. I am in a blues rock band called “The Blue Grizzly Band” as well as a metal band called “Defetus”. I teach guitar lessons and busk regularly. I am also a radio host on Access Radio’s Metal Heads Radio (NZ Metal), and Black & Blues Radio (blues and soul) shows. I am also regularly involved in charity events. My love of music began at an early age, having a wide interest in genres ranging from Reggae and Blues to Rock and Metal, and a few in between. [email protected]

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