Album Review: Puddlekopf


Review by Daniel Jones // 21 November 2024
Album Review: Puddlekopf 1

I received Wendyhouse’s album in the post, a homage to the old style of reviewing a record. A CD, with hand-drawn art works reminiscent of Radiohead’s Kid A era, and the lyrics of poetry to accompany. Once I’d managed to borrow a CD player from a friend, I was able to let Puddlekopf wash over me. Puddlekopf is a chance recording and drawing project by Wendyhouse, preceded by The Love Quadrangle, Wendyheads, Pan and Veggieklopse.

This genre collective piece is work is an explosion on your senses. There is no formulaic narrative (that I can hear), instead an exciting guess at what is to come next. Starting with Entlang der Flut and industrial style poem, reminiscent of Kraftwerk and Sebastian Tellier, performed in spoken word (with German accent), takes you to the late 70’s synth-wave sound with dystopian style lyrics. We then move onto The Best Worst Artist Ever, another spoken word piece about societies delinquents and artists. Similar to a John Cooper Clark track, with its vivid depictions of living on the bread line or suffering for your art or just depression manifested into mental illness, with an industrial spoken word style, this piece really captures the rawness and pain of being an artist… or at least thinking you are one.

We depart from the industrial spoken word style, momentarily, to find this 8 track album move into a more psychedelic tone with Feel Your Last Best Worst Artist. This track calls for a more Devendra Barnhart mood, not what I was expecting! There is a vocal melody! With lyrics clearly written by and artist, with lines such as ”Quotidan detritus won’t tickle the turtle”, either paying homage to Scottish painter Jennifer McRae (Quotidan Detritus) or refereeing to everyday items used in an art studio. This track is a nice change of pace and calls to mind early Brian Jones Town Massacre. We move back into the more obscure-art-school style with the remaining tracks, That Remindings Me, Meltflakes Pop, Meltflakes Unpop and Feel Your Last Best Worst Skull, Just an Action Movie.

The final track Just an Action Movie, is a beautifully written commentary on the basic man’s blueprint to living, the man who doesn’t like to think too much and wants to be entertained with lyrics like “bring in Charlton Heston”, he needs to be stimulated without effort “watch me outrun this forest fire’, I really love how this has been articulated in such a basic conversational style yet leaving a contemplative mark. 

Puddlekopf is an immersive collection of work, which has clearly involved a lot of effort musically, lyrically and Illustratively. This 8 track album is for the purest, for the art school poet, the seekers of societal commentary or the self-indulgent. i recommend this thought provoking collection of work fans of the avant-garde, industrial and spoken word genres. 

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About the author Daniel Jones

Napoleon Baby is a song writing concoction of Antipodean and European inspired life. Presently residing in Tamaki Makaurau, playing songs about living in a different reality far away from the world. Influenced by from Nina Simone – Television, Edith Piaf – Queens of the Stone Age, Napoleon Baby will be playing shows across NZ and Australia in 2023. The debut album to be released later in 2023, with two more singles and accompanying music videos in May and June 2023.

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