EP Review: Heartful

Damien Binder

Review by Peter K Malthus // 16 December 2024
Ep Review: Heartful 1

Damien Binder is now well into his fourth decade of releasing music, and his third as a solo artist. He has an impressive back catalogue to show for it, and his latest EP Heartful sits admirably alongside his previous releases.

After hearing the first track, Crazy, I wasn’t at all surprised to discover that he draws influence from Neil Finn, in having a sound and feel redolent of that style, but in no way a “rip-off”, more in a “heart worn proudly on sleeve” sense. It also brought Tom Petty-style Americana to mind, there’s a classically timeless quality to this, and it’s also a treat to listen to from the perspective of a fan of fantastic guitar tones, warm and tasty. In fact, I love the production of Matt Gio here, a nice big, open sound. This is just a great song, to put it simply. Well written well performed, and a superb opener, leaving me well enthused for more. Sanctuary has moments that remind me nicely of Dave Dobbyn, but overall, it has a uniquely different sound again. Some artful acoustic guitar and subtle percussion underscore the first verse. The feel remains gentle as the song progresses and the rest of the band joins in. This is a beautiful song, sweet and poignant, strong and heartfelt. Once again, made all the better by that magnificent production, everything so full and clear.

Hang On is a song of positivity and hope, and of connection, the lyrics making a promise of having an ally in tough times, someone who has your back. His voice is genuine, and full of compassion for his subject, a powerful song. The rhythm is compelling, and musically the overall sound is full of optimism and light. Next is Won’t Be Leaving, an airy, peaceful feel emanates from this song of devotion and companionship, and of navigating those waters together. At work here is a master craftsman, pieces of beauty and magic being wrought from the simplest of concepts. There is a humanity it its purest form in the poetry of these songs, and they are the type of songs that will stay with you long after physically listening, gorgeously hooky.

Swells of strings and a tasteful guitar arpeggio create a gorgeous atmosphere on final track, Heartful. What a glorious way to bring this EP to a close. Another typically strong vocal melody extolls the listener to hang on to love at all costs, in its lyrics.

It’s a skillful lyricist who can create such excellent and beautiful love songs, without sounding remotely trite or cheesy, and this has been a masterclass. No doubt Damien Binder will be producing much more such rich and thoughtful music for a long time yet.

About the author Peter K Malthus

Passionate music lover from the south, based in Otautahi Christchurch. Writes, sings, and plays guitar in Finger Of Contempt, and The Tubetones. Plays bass in Mudbelly. I spend most of my days tutoring music, which equates to getting to talk about music and play guitar, and then people give me money. It’s an absolute blast. In my spare time, I am mildly obsessed with plants and gardening. I love spending time with my kids. I love board games, and flying kites, and riding bikes, and food. I really like good coffee, a lot. I’m rarely satisfied with my guitar pedalboard. I have a cat called Liberty.

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