MC Dubstar

Mc Dubstar

Born and bred in the Waiararapa Region in Masterton, but of Ngapuhi (in the north) and Ngai-te-rangi (Tauranga) descent.

Thats where it all began for me.

For as long as I can remember hip hop and music in general has influenced my life and the decisions I make. I have practised all elements of hip hop but I always knew I had the talent of an MC, so I ran with it. I wrote my first rhymes when I was 13 and never stopped all through school.

In 2004 I released Cortina as my first independant single, and things just blew up the whole country was feeling my Aotearoa realness and humor as aposed to those phony MC’s trying to be American.

Maori Television fronted up with $30,000 to fund the Video clip, which was number 1 for 9 weeks on L.I.P.S. I then got invited along with my crew Fusion (Philly D, Korza, DJ Venom, Majon) to perform Cortina on Coast, the live music show on Maori television and another one of my unreleased singles Dass Da Trak (DDT). The Coast studio has not been as full since.

Then I released ‘ORA’ a song which politically marked the time we were living in in Aotearoa as Maori people. Once again Maori television fronted up with $30,000 for the video clip and it was shot during the second hikoi opposing the foreshore and seabed legislation.

MC Dubstar are:

Wake Matthews