Epsilon Blue

Epsilon Blue

Aotearoa’s most luscious dance producers. The debut Epsilon Blue album Waterland was released in 1998 and took our ears on a journey from urban adrenalin to the spacious west coast beaches.

Waterland featured the student radio hit One In A Million which enchanted the Summer on ’99 and Gathering favourites Two As One and Seed (which also featured on the first Gathering CD).

Of his fabulous new material, the album We Have A Responsibility To Our Shareholders, he says “I really wanted to bring this music back to the body, back to a body in motion… that’s why there’s chunky beats for the first half of the CD.

“I wanted to get out of the head and into the body for awhile. So I started out writing body music then of course the head had something to say… I started thinking about the body and I thought about this body of earth flying through space that we call our planet earth.

“Then coincidentally I heard a CEO on the radio talking about having to restructure their company, how he had a responsibility to his shareholders. i.e. generating them a dividend by generating a profit. I thought how much this line was used by those that see money as the only valuable bottom line to measure things… how it can discharge them of any responsibility to our shared environment, community, and basic rights.

“When there are other equally if not more appropriate bottom lines. Then I thought how we (humans/animals/insects/plants/birds etc) are all shareholders in one giant planet called earth in a big dance called life, and how we have a responsibility to those shareholders.

“A responsibility to care for this planet for the ‘all’ rather than the ‘few’ for tomorrow rather than just today….’ ‘…So the music is a reflection of all this. From the hope of ‘We B Movin’ to the prayers of ‘May U B Free’ to the thanks of ‘U R A Star’ to the reflection of ‘Being’ to the space of ‘Loose In A Landscape Of Meaning’ to the contemplation of ‘The Transcendental Object At The End Of Time’.”

Epsilon Blue are:

Lee Tui

Articles & Media Featuring Epsilon Blue