New Children’s CD from fleaBITE!

10 September 2012
New Children’s Cd From Fleabite!

“CIRCUS OF FLEAS is a treat for young and old that Spike Milligan would be proud of.”

Roll up! Roll up! The CIRCUS OF FLEAS is in town.

CIRCUS OF FLEAS is the latest funny, friendly, crazy album from fleaBITE, the fabulous new creation from the producer of Fatcat & Fishface.


Crammed full of performing animals, childhood wishes and a rootin’ tootin’ good time, fleaBITE’s dazzling new songs will delight the crowds with daring feats of musicianship and hilarious lyrics.

To add to the fun and mayhem, fleaBITE welcomes bright new musical talent to the merry band.  Bearded lady Adam Page has wowed audiences in Australia and New Zealand with his one-man-band, and joins us fresh from collaborations with Riki Gooch and John Psathas.  Janet Roddick adds star quality to the occasion as her voice soars above the sawdust and elephant droppings. Even ‘Granny’ makes a surprise appearance on Don’t Sit Under the Poo Tree.

Tipped to be children’s album of the year, CIRCUS OF FLEAS is a treat for young and old that Spike Milligan would be proud of.  Family trips in the car will never be so entertaining!

Listen and/or buy CIRCUS OF FLEAS at our website: