DIY troubadours El Schlong home for the winter

27 May 2013
Diy Troubadours El Schlong Home For The Winter

New Zealand DIY troubadours El Schlong are hunkering down in a shed in the middle of Masterton this winter to begin writing their next album. They will emerge for three shows:

Saturday 13 July @ The San Fransico Bath House (Wellington)
with Shakhan, Ovus and Akashic Index

Friday 19 July @ Biddy Mulligans (Hamilton)
with DIC, Team Kill, and Set The Cycle

Saturday 20 July @ The Kings Arms (Auckland)
with New Way Home, Mothra and Rule of Thieves

Facebook event:

El Schlong formed in NZ in 2003, left for Europe in 2008, and have been embroiled in “The Slowest World Tour” ever since. They are now based all over the place, with guitarist/vocalist Leah Hinton commuting from Berlin to New Zealand a couple of times a year for band practises.