The Raskolnikovs release new song: Old-School Man of the World

17 July 2015
The Raskolnikovs Release New Song: Old School Man Of The World

9 years after their eponymous full-length album, and 4 years since the initial tracks were laid down in Whanganui, the new EP from Wellington’s finest rock n’ stomp gypsy punks is about to be applied to 12” vinyl in Eastern Europe.

The Raskolnikovs’ At The Hour of Sunset will finally be released in the Spring. Today they release a taster track: Old-School Man of the World. Stream for free or download for a measly 99cents.

A brief history of the Raskolnikovs:

The Raskolnikovs are a band unto themselves with a sound like no other; incorporating piano accordion, violin, drums, electric guitar and bass with whiskey-soaked nightmare lyrics (+ now featuring a brass section). They emerged from a chance meeting in 2003, honed their skills in the now derelict ex-hospital (soon-to-be gentrified) of 290 Willis St. Then in 2006, with 2 EPs, 1 album, and 100s of raucous gigs in their wake, cast themselves to the 4 winds, and scattered like the fretful minds of the characters in their songs:

Uncle Ivan, Henry the Butcher, Jim-Bob Brown, Sweet Mary, Monsoon Henry, Little Joe, and all the rest.

With shows in England keeping the flickering candle burning, The Raskolnikovs returned in 2009 to a very different Wellington. A Wellington with a bypass through the heart of their old stomping ground. No Lie Low; no Cross Bar. But new incarnations had sprung up, most notably the now-defunct Watusi and Mighty Mighty…

But what of the new songs that haunt their floor shaking sets? When will they be stamped into sound cards of history? The answer dear reader, is very soon. And to prove it here’s a taster from their forthcoming EP: Old-school man of the world.

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