Blacklight =
Black: adj – of the darkest colour; with-out light; dark; evil
Light: n – electromagnetic radiation by which things are visible ~adj – bright; illumination
Configuration =
Configuration: n – shape; form; arrangement of components
The Blacklight Configuration is a five piece concept band from Auckland, New Zealand, creating conspiracy theory fueled alternative metal.
From its inception to the current line up, Blacklight Configuration has sought to consume information of all sources & resonate understanding through a musical medium.
Many things of this world are not as they seem; the true nature of our species is hidden behind secret societies & ancient mysticism whilst psychological warfare & terrorism distract the masses.
The Blacklight Configuration infuses full disclosure with the majesty of song to take you on a journey of sonic & conscious ascension.
The Blacklight Configuration are:
Bill (guitar, vocals)
Rob (drums)