Serious Happiness Release Debut ‘Suzie Come Home’ & Video

16 September 2019
Serious Happiness Release Debut 'suzie Come Home' & Video

Joel Ruys, Kayleb Duckett, Sam Egli and Stu Morris are the faces of Serious Happiness, the inimitable rock-n-roll boy-band who having just played their first ever Auckland gig with psychedelic pop’n roll band Fred, release their debut Suzie Come Home across all digital platforms.

Though scarcely older than a year, the aspirant Kiwi band are said to boast live shows that are fizzing, instrument-trading and highly energetic. While their sound nods to the Dunedin jangle-era bands like The Clean, Serious Happiness have infused their Taranaki roots to create what we will call Jandal-pop in a track all about partying and being in love.

It’s basically a song about going crazy knowing your flirtatious partner is out on the raz.” – Serious Happiness.

Suzie Come Home was recorded at Rhythm Ace Studio by Sam Johnson, with the official video filmed by Ben D’Ath and edited by Serious Happiness.

Watch the official video here

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