A name born from the literal translation of the French term for “April Fools (day)”, April Fish is pianist/singer-songwriter Katie Morton ably backed by John Costa. The music is a concoction of soundscapes with an artistic freedom that is so left of the middle, it’s as if Tim Burton and Kate Bush are in command of the Starship Enterprise as it boldly accompanies Alice down the rabbit hole. Or put simply, to borrow the words of Katie’s niece: “It sounds like an alien invading a circus.”

In their first full length release they have given birth to a Kiwi album unlike anything you’ve ever heard before.

Part sci-fi jazz melodrama, part cabaret-rock fever dream, Blurred gleefully milks all the musical sacred cows Kiwi artists have traditionally been afraid to, while spawning a unique New Zealand Gothicism. Blurred is at some points space opera, at others an unapologetic insight into New Zealand subculture attitudes towards status quo art; its poignant introspection and need to defy convention.

Their latest album An Alien Invaded The Circus is due for worldwide release on April 6th 2018 and features singles such as “The Main Attraction”, recorded by The Klaus Vermillion Quartet with whom Katie also plays; and “Death Count”, written in response to the suicide of transgender teen Leelah Alcorn, who in her last act of desperation, used the power of the internet to draw attention to the disproportionately high number of transgender suicides.

If you’re brave enough to venture into the territory of a musically avant-garde mind and open to leaving any fixed biases at the door? Then you’ve come to the right place.

April Fish are:

Katie Morton (vocals, piano)
John Costa (war guitar, vocals)