Mudbelly’s debut dirty blues album out now

22 May 2020
Mudbelly’s Debut Dirty Blues Album Out Now

Mudbelly haven’t been around for long, but they’re rapidly filling a gap in the NZ market for an unapologetic female-led hard-rock band.

Their self-titled debut album is the result of 2 productive years in the studio, the band only taking time out last year to tour on the UK’s summer festival circuit – under their previous name Hypnumb. Engineered by the talented Thom OConnor after a strong recommendation from Ben Edwards, the resulting singles range from soul-filled dirty blues (Bullet) to edgy power-rock (Crooked Magic).

Three of the songs come with accompanying videos, all DIY jobs that stand on their own – guitarist/drummer John coming from a design background knew how to rig a team or 2.

The songs are all co-written by vocalist Bex and John, both of whom started the band together in 2018, Bex often choosing the subject material with John “dirtying things up” to fit their edgier sound. Themes cover an unexpected spectrum: the angst-ridden remorse of a woman who’s just shot her partner, flipping the bird to judgmental institutions, or just singing about a good ol’ dirty hangover. We hope you like it.

Mudbelly’s self-titled album is now available on Spotify.

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