Stephen’s ‘Radar of Small Dogs’ gets digital release

23 October 2020
Stephen's 'radar Of Small Dogs' Gets Digital Release

Songbroker is proud to announce the digital release of Stephen’s seminal early 90’s album Radar of Small Dogs, out today, October 23rd 2020.

Radar of Small Dogs was originally released as a Flying Nun Records CD compilation in 1993, combining their 1989 EP Dumb, with recordings from Fish St Studios in Dunedin, plus two live Sony Walkman TCS-300 recordings from a live show at the Subway Tavern, Dunedin in 1989. The band was fronted by David Kilgour (The Clean), flanked by bassist Alf Danielson (Goblin Mix, Chug), Drummer Geoff Hoani (Chug), and Stephen Kilroy (Chug, King Loser, Heka) contributing on guitar and vocals.

Radar of Small Dogs has been remastered from the original analogue tapes using transfers made at the Alexander Turnbull Library (part of National Library of New Zealand). This work is part of a project begun in 2018 to digitally preserve the masters of artists associated with Flying Nun Records.

“We are thrilled to be able to contribute to this Stephen reissue,” says Michael Brown, who works as Music Curator at the Library. “The tapes were in good condition and sounded lovely, which shows the value of conserving the original source recordings. It’s a gem of an album.”

Radar of Small Dogs is now available on Spotify, YouTube and all good digital outlets.

This Stephen compilation stands as a lovely example of the band’s brand of highly charged jangly guitar pop, and will appeal to followers of the Dunedin sound as well as the uninitiated.