Jen Turner

Jen Turner

For as long as she can remember, Jen Turner has been a collector.

Her bedroom is a dreamscape of dead flowers and old postcards hoarded within dusted book jackets. Old Catholic angels adorn her desk, praying for her safety. Baby teeth are embedded in the same little tree stump, guarded by porcelain angels.

On a shelf sits a snowglobe her mother gave her when she was a kid. This tiny, self-contained world – a complete memory, encased and preserved in domed glass. From age 11 she would tinker on a piano as strobes of rainbow light filtered through crystals hanging from her window. She’d try and create that same metaphor with songs, injecting emotion and nostalgia into self-contained melodies and verses.

“The snowglobe is a reminder to me, a metaphor inspiring capability and strength, to be open to new experiences, be inspired or enraged, learn from the moments, appreciate the memory.” says Turner, “I love to sit in an old emotion and write songs, I find it to be a very therapeutic process. It allows me to give the feeling a place and time. I’ve been through what I’ve been through and I’ve done what I’ve done. Now I’m putting it on my shelf and adoring it.”

Articles & Media Featuring Jen Turner